Monday, March 7, 2011

First Pregnancy Update...Only took me 23weeks!

I thought that I should start writing some pregnancy updates because I think it will be nice to look back on after I'm holding our sweet baby in my arms :)

So first I'll catch up!

Right off the bat I knew I was pregnant because I had the worst cramping of my life, twice as bad as any period cramp I'd ever experienced. We were SO very lucky to be blessed with a baby our first try. We still can't believe it happened so fast! 25days after my LMP we got our BFP! I already was so bloated I could barely do up my pants. I was starving all the time and I happily ate lots (little did I know that I think my body was storing up because it knew it wouldn't be eating for the next two months)!

I started having nausea & vomiting at week 6, 24 hours per day. Around week 13 I started feeling better :) That time was the WORST ever, I kept trying to remind myself that it supposedly means a healthy baby. I also kept saying 'oh this baby better be cute'! During this time my husband was so helpful to me, doing what he could for me and just supporting me through it, because really there is nothing that makes you feel better. There are lots of things that make you feel worse though! For me they were smells, I couldn't even open the cupboards or fridge until wk13 so I had to keep the only snacks I could eat on the counter. Showering, I don't understand why but it would make me feel so sick, so I only showered every 3 days or so during that time. Being up too late, guaranteed to make me throw up.

During the time that I was sick unfortunately my work was completely unsupportive. They more than doubled the amount of hours I was working and gave me only 12hr night shifts, without talking with me about it first. And despite repeated requests to cut back, they wouldn't. This was such a stressful time for me, I hate not being able to do my best at a job, especially in nursing, and I was so frustrated that work would say oh yes no trouble reducing your hours we can even get rid of some, then wouldn't follow through. When I started getting harassing phone calls at home from other coworkers, Mike and I decided that it was time to leave my position.

I've been so happy to be at home and Mike has enjoyed it too. It was a difficult time for us to go to a one-income household since we just paid for our wedding and Mike being in school right now, since we did not prepare for my being off so early. But we've stuck together amazingly through this and we're very supportive of each other. And we keep saying how good it is for us to be mindful of the money we spend without even thinking, which has made us actually kind of thankful for our situation because it will only help us in the future.

At week 15 I started experiencing bleeding and cramping and basically had to be on bed rest otherwise it would get worse. This was the scariest thing we've ever gone through in our lives, but again we stuck together and put our faith in God that everything would be okay because there was nothing we could do to change it. I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much better, I can carry on in the house without much trouble, still need to take it a bit easy and no lifting or I'll start to spot again and driving any distance further than about 10minutes in the car is really uncomfortable for my belly and I get crampy. But still doing great!

These days I feel so good! Getting bigger and bigger :)

This photos is me at 22w2days. I cleaned the bathroom that day and forgot to clean the mirror, until I saw this picture ;)  Tell me one day I'll get my mind back, right??

I'll do another post with all the pictures along that I've taken so far, they're just on another computer and this update is long enough already!

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