Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Questions for ToT can be found over at Roots and Rings

1. If you could watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is hard to pick! I go through phases where I absolutely LOVE a movie and can watch it daily, and right now I don't have a movie that I watch often. I guess I would chose The Holiday because it's a movie that always makes me feel good and happy after I watch it.

2. Let’s say someone wrote a screenplay about you; what actor/actress would you choose to play you and why?
I would choose Emma Watson. Her and I look pretty similar at a young age, it's a running joke with my brothers that I not only look but act like Hermione from the Harry Potter movies. Plus I think she's just lovely.

3. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
My Girl. I went and saw it with my best friend and my teacher :) She was an amazing woman, I had her in the first grade and if I run into her she still knows exactly who I am. I have no idea how she does that.

4. Did you ever make out at the back of a movie theater in middle school/high school?

5. Are you a Netflix-er, Blockbuster-er or a Redbox-er? (Or none of the above?)
None of the above. We have the movie channels with our satellite package (which neither of us believe plays nearly enough good movies, or even movies worth watching). Very occasionally we will rent a movie from the local store, which is a corner store (no brand name or anything).

6. Name one actor/actress who you would give anything to have a dinner date with.
Nobody? I would agree with Chelsea though that Ellen Degeneres would  probably be fun to hang out with.

7. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Nothing in particular jumps out at me. But I would say any movie that leaves me with a yucky feeling that lingers.

8. Do you sneak snacks into the theater when you go?
Sometimes, depends what I feel like eating. I usually like to treat myself to theatre popcorn though. Even though I have to pay with my right leg :)

9. Movie theater popcorn: love or hate it?
LOVE it. I know it's terrible for you, but it's such a tasty treat!

10. What is the all-time best Disney movie in your opinion?
Mary Poppins. Unless that's not Disney, then I would say Cinderella. My two favorites growing up!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ten on Tuesday & 24 Weeks

I've enjoyed reading the ToT entries that I've been seeing on blogs and wanted to participate, so I finally am today. Yay! Go me :)

You can find the questions over at the lovely Roots & Rings blog.

1. What condiments are always, always in your fridge?

Easy. Diana's Sauce. I could drink this stuff. For those who don't know who it is (you're missing out) it's barbecue sauce. The best ever. Right now I eat a grilled cheese a day, and I'm one of those people who like barbecue sauce with it. Mmm. I think I'm going to have to make one soon...

2. How do you like your steak cooked? Your burgers?

I haven't had steak in well over a year, and burgers very rarely right now. I just started eating meat again during this pregnancy, but these two things are still a bit hard for me to eat. But I always like them cooked so that I can't see any pink, or only a scant amount of it.

3. What's your favorite use of fresh tomatoes?

The only kind of tomato that I like are roma or plum tomatoes. And I love cutting them up and making a simple bruschetta with them :) Especially in the summer! Delicious.

4. What is your go-to dinner when you haven't planned anything in advance and you don't feel like going out?

I would say meat from the freezer, the kind that's in boxes. Like frozen chicken breasts, breaded fish. And rice, either minute, jasmine, or basmati, and frozen or fresh veg tables. Quick and easy!

5. What's your favorite snack food lately?

Right now I really like apples, cheese and crackers, or chocolate :) Do those count as snack foods?

6. What's your favorite weekend breakfast to make at home?

I usually don't do anything different on the weekend than during the week. Right now my usual is a bowl of cereal. If we want bacon and eggs sort of breakfast we go out because I can't stand the house, my clothes, and my hair smelling like bacon.

7. What's your favorite thing to grill? How do you do it?

I don't grill anything. I'm kind of afraid of the barbeque so that's one of my husbands jobs. I use the oven.

8. What's your favorite wine for under $10? If your not a wine person, what brand of beer is your favorite?

I really like Fuzion wine, I don't know if it's only available in Ontario. I think its $7.35. It's a shiraz/Malbec mix and for the price I think its a really nice wine. Bottle looks nice too, plus it has a twist off lid!

9. Give us your most delicious cocktail recipe.

I don't have a single cocktail recipe. I haven't had a drink in almost a year and when I do I drink wine or Jamaican Rum and diet coke.

10. How do you like your eggs?

Either hard boiled and eaten on their own, in potato salad, or an egg salad sandwich. Or a fried egg sandwich on toast or English muffin.

As for me, we will be 25 weeks tomorrow! Hurrah :) This feels like a milestone to us! So excited that we've gotten to this point and the baby seems to be growing well and is healthy. Feeling lots and lots of movements and thumps and taps. Seems to always move when I'm blow drying and straightening my hair, folding warm clothes out of the dryer and when I'm standing in front of the stove - I think it must like to feel the heat or something! Although, it doesn't move when I'm in the bathtub, which is when everyone told me it would go crazy. I felt the biggest kick yet this morning when I was doing my hair, caught me by surprise! Must be getting stronger :)

This photo was taken when I was 24weeks 1day.

Monday, March 7, 2011

First Pregnancy Update...Only took me 23weeks!

I thought that I should start writing some pregnancy updates because I think it will be nice to look back on after I'm holding our sweet baby in my arms :)

So first I'll catch up!

Right off the bat I knew I was pregnant because I had the worst cramping of my life, twice as bad as any period cramp I'd ever experienced. We were SO very lucky to be blessed with a baby our first try. We still can't believe it happened so fast! 25days after my LMP we got our BFP! I already was so bloated I could barely do up my pants. I was starving all the time and I happily ate lots (little did I know that I think my body was storing up because it knew it wouldn't be eating for the next two months)!

I started having nausea & vomiting at week 6, 24 hours per day. Around week 13 I started feeling better :) That time was the WORST ever, I kept trying to remind myself that it supposedly means a healthy baby. I also kept saying 'oh this baby better be cute'! During this time my husband was so helpful to me, doing what he could for me and just supporting me through it, because really there is nothing that makes you feel better. There are lots of things that make you feel worse though! For me they were smells, I couldn't even open the cupboards or fridge until wk13 so I had to keep the only snacks I could eat on the counter. Showering, I don't understand why but it would make me feel so sick, so I only showered every 3 days or so during that time. Being up too late, guaranteed to make me throw up.

During the time that I was sick unfortunately my work was completely unsupportive. They more than doubled the amount of hours I was working and gave me only 12hr night shifts, without talking with me about it first. And despite repeated requests to cut back, they wouldn't. This was such a stressful time for me, I hate not being able to do my best at a job, especially in nursing, and I was so frustrated that work would say oh yes no trouble reducing your hours we can even get rid of some, then wouldn't follow through. When I started getting harassing phone calls at home from other coworkers, Mike and I decided that it was time to leave my position.

I've been so happy to be at home and Mike has enjoyed it too. It was a difficult time for us to go to a one-income household since we just paid for our wedding and Mike being in school right now, since we did not prepare for my being off so early. But we've stuck together amazingly through this and we're very supportive of each other. And we keep saying how good it is for us to be mindful of the money we spend without even thinking, which has made us actually kind of thankful for our situation because it will only help us in the future.

At week 15 I started experiencing bleeding and cramping and basically had to be on bed rest otherwise it would get worse. This was the scariest thing we've ever gone through in our lives, but again we stuck together and put our faith in God that everything would be okay because there was nothing we could do to change it. I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much better, I can carry on in the house without much trouble, still need to take it a bit easy and no lifting or I'll start to spot again and driving any distance further than about 10minutes in the car is really uncomfortable for my belly and I get crampy. But still doing great!

These days I feel so good! Getting bigger and bigger :)

This photos is me at 22w2days. I cleaned the bathroom that day and forgot to clean the mirror, until I saw this picture ;)  Tell me one day I'll get my mind back, right??

I'll do another post with all the pictures along that I've taken so far, they're just on another computer and this update is long enough already!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reverb10 DAY 2

I'm participating in reberb10 this month, which can be found over here, or by clicking on the reverb10 button on the side! The website explains what this is all about:

Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. The end of the year is an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead. With Reverb 10, we'll do both.
This December we invite you to share your story and join us in reflection.

Each day they will post a new 'prompt' for you to write about!

Today's prompt is:
December 2 Writing.
What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it? I procrastinate. BIG TIME. I don't know if it's because I'm not inspired enough to have a thousand things running through my head to write about (I'm really not very exciting) or if it is pure laziness, perhaps both?

Right now I know I don't do a heck of a lot that doesn't involve my couch and TV because of my pesky little friend calling 'morning sickness', which I would like to rename to something more appropriate to reflect the 24/7 feel like deathness of the ailment. But even when I'm feeling well I easily get distracted by the TV (I'm hoping to one day get rid of it, if I can convince Mike, I'm perfectly happy with just country cable) and wasting time looking at celebrity gossip and facebook on the Internet. Facebook is something else I think I will rid myself of soon, since I use it mostly as a creeping tool and feel obligated to have 'friends' on there that I don't even like. It's all nonsense. I find the less I give in to these easy distractions the more I get done (around the house, maintaining relationships, reading, crafts like sewing and knitting, and basically just being present in my life and the lives of those important to me).  

I would like to be proactive in implementing these changes and hope that I can be a more productive person, and a better person to those around me.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


After reading Kapachino's blog post about Reverb10, I decided to try to participate. I'm having trouble posting often and I thought that perhaps this would be great way to help me out. Plus, it gives me a great opportunity to reflect on the whirl-goneinaflash-of-a-year I've had and hopefully project something greater for the year coming!

December 1 One Word.

Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word.  Explain why you’re choosing that word. Change. I don't mean the jingle in my husband's jeans (yes we listen to country music). The last year holds so many changes in my life. I touched on the recent ones in my last blog post, but in the past whole year?! So many more. I struggled with school (commuting, tiredness, GI issues), adjusted to life away from my family, acclimated myself to a new community (which I don't think I did successfully), completed the hardest thing I've ever done - my full time clinical placement (difficult because of the distance of the hospital and the hours I was there) but was such a fulfilling area of nursing for me to be involved with and praised for by pediatricians, patient's parents, and some fellow nurses, learned the devastating news that my overall average was .18 too low to graduate (I'm STILL in the process of trying to sort this out, it's extremely frustrating and I'm still struggling to learn the lesson in this situation to be honest), our home sold and we built a new one which meant moving to a new town, started a new job (which I struggle with because I don't like it, and its awful hours and awful shifts, because of this I hate being a nurse and wish I had never done it), got engaged, got married, got pregnant. Change.
Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? Peace. I would like to feel at peace. I would like to find a job that I like so that I can be at peace with that area of my life. I think if that were resolved I would feel much happier and more fulfilled. I hope that I feel better for the rest of this pregnancy so that I can actually enjoy it. I hope that our child enters this world in a peaceful way! And we are just the happiest little family with our new little one. I hope that school gets sorted out and I can finally graduate. Perhaps take some office courses in order to make the change in career that I'm hoping for to an administrative job. I hope that our marriage continues to grow strong and happier each day. I get teary thinking of my hopes for the next year because it will be a big year for us becoming parents and all. Basically I hope that I'm happy and that my family is too. I'm hoping to find some peace from all this change! But as I type this out I can see that there will be plenty of changes in the coming year as well!

Monday, November 22, 2010

From Ms to Mrs. Updates since June!

SO MUCH HAS CHANGED since I last posted! I kind of can't believe it. Since then we've moved into the new house, which has been nice and not quite as nice as I thought. I love the new town we live in, that was a nice change. The house...is alright, don't like it as much as the last house but like I said, it's alright. I have to actually walk Brady now each time he has to go out - which is even more annoying than I anticipated, as you can imagine.

We had a buckndoe thrown by our wedding party! It was a blast :)

I had two bridal showers!

Mike was in the wedding of our two close friends. It was such a fun and wonderful day, great wedding! And he looks so handsome all dressed up :)

Then it was our turn to get married! The sneak peek of our photos can be seen at our photographers blog :

She is amazing. Her husband is hilarious. Together they make you feel less awkward about having your photo taken, they have such creative ideas, they are a couple who work great together and are clearly very much in love, and they rock, basically. 

We learned this exciting news!

And were completely surprised that we were successful the very first try, we are so thankful and we realize how lucky we are. We are praying that everything goes well for the pregnancy and birth and have a health baby in the end. I've been suffering with 'morning sickness' a lot. Whoever named it that is ridiculous. It should be called 24/7-nothings-going-to-make-it-better-sickness. Hopefully that improves soon. Yesterday and today are both better days. So I'm hoping the diclectin is starting to kick in, mother of mercy!  :)

Here's where we are today: Officially 8 weeks! Feeling super fat. Sore breasts...err melons I should say. I can't do up the button or fly of ANY of my pants. I can't stand any pressure whatsoever on my stomach because it just makes me feel sick...ie tight tank top, maternity pants, elastic waisted pants. Hopefully this will improve when I start feeling better, I'd like to stop looking like such a grub in my PJs all the time!

We took our honeymoon in Montreal, which I'm sure is a great, beautiful city. I spent the whole time in bed in our hotel room. We did get out for one thing though:
It was really fun to go to the game, although all the smells there made me sick by the end of the first period. It was fun while it lasted! I did stick it out until the end though. Thankyouverymuch!

And this is the view from our hotel room. Quite pretty really. And if you look closely down the street you can see a wreath that's all lit up, it had so many tiny lights on it that it looked like the glittered!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Movin' On Up!

In April our house sold (finally after being listed for about 2.5 years). We knew that we would build again and this time we chose to build in town! I'm quite excited to live in town - the main street is so sweet with lots of little shops to visit and I'll be able to walk downtown to visit them :) Where we are now it's a 10 minute drive to get there, and a 20-25 minute drive to fast food LOL. I shouldn't be excited to be closer to it, but I am. I'm mostly excited for convenience, of stores being right there when we need something and not have to pay $3 extra for a box of tampons. I think I rage about that even more when I need them since the hormones are flying wild during that time :)

So we picked our lot in the cutest little subdivision that won't really have any traffic that doesn't live there, that has basically a dog or two in every home, and that has children running and playing on the street. I am so excited to live here, and I'm excited for us to start our family here, God willing :)

Mike has been working so hard to build this house. This is the first time I've been able to see him working and I'm so amazed with what he does! He's been so great with organizing all the trades to do the work on the house. And he spends most of his spare time working on it himself (even after working a 13hr day and then doing it all again the next day). I knew he had a very strong work ethic, but I've truly seen how amazing it is. Even though we have so much going on right now between the wedding, setbacks with school, me not having a job right now, and building this house our relationship continues to grow and we are able to see how well we can work together - it does take effort though. But it is so so worth it.
It's been crazy how fast Mike has pulled this house together! I still don't think we'll be in it on time, maybe a week or two late. But it's been amazing how quickly it can go.
There are more updates but I haven't taken pictures of them, I'll have to get on that! We've got windows and doors and it's getting drywalled right now! We'll be painting in no time! I picked out the colours today :) I'm quite excited.